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My Life's Work

Avelar Advocacy and Consultation is the final phase of my life's work in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).  My experience with ASD, began in 2013, when my oldest son received his diagnosis. After his diagnosis, I was left with questions about autism, special education, therapies, and services.  I was also struggling with accepting and understanding my son's diagnosis.  Our lives were changed when my son entered Kindergarten.  His special education teacher, "Apple", provided us with immense support through the entire IEP process. She advocated for him, all while teaching me what she could about special education and autism. The support,  empathy, and compassion we were given by "Apple", was unforgettable.  I wanted to become a support system for other families like mine.


In 2015, I enrolled in Western Governors University to receive a BA in Special Education.  That same year, my second son was diagnosed with an ASD.  I graduated with my BA in 2020 and became an Education Specialist in San Diego, California. In May of 2022, I graduated with an MA in Special Education with an emphasis of Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Avelar Advocacy, is the final phase of this journey.  I would like to use my experience and expertise to provide the best outcomes for children and adults diagnosed with an ASD, at home and in the school environment. 

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